Accommodations Handbook
Disability & Accommodation Association Examples
Student A: Student A is diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and requests 50% additional time and testing in a small group setting of ten (10) or fewer students. Since both of these accommodations are associated with ADD/ADHD in the table above, all of the accommodations are associated and may be eligible for approval through Direct Access if all other EMA requirements are met.
Student B: Student B is diagnosed as visually impaired and a medical or chronic health condition (for the purposes of this exercise, Student B is diagnosed with diabetes). Student B requests large print test materials and permission for access to and use of their diabetic supplies. Since all of these accommodations are associated with either the visual impairment or the medical or chronic health conditions tables outlined above, all the accommodations are considered to be associated with the student’s disabilities.
Student C: Student C is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and submits a request for access to large print test materials and the use of a hearing aid/device. Since neither of these accommodations are associated with a diagnosis of ASD in the second table on page 10, this request for testing accommodations would require documentation to be submitted and reviewed before the student may be approved or able to register for testing with the requested accommodations.
If you have any questions or concerns about your family's ability to provide anything needed for your student to complete testing, please contact EMA immediately and well in advance of your scheduled test date.